As a young woman l I began to find my voice in this world as a creative black woman. It was the catalyst for a long and continual journey as I and other women of color find their voice and unfold into a beautiful journey of self-love. My figurative work is an expression of that preciously sought and found self-love. These pieces also serve as inspiration to all of my SiSTARS of ALL races, nationalities, creeds and cultures to love themselves completely mind, body and spirit!
"When a woman can find the courage to be limited and to realize that she is enough exactly the way she is, then she discovers one of the true treasures of the heroine's journey. This woman can detach herself from the whims of the ego and touch into the deeper forces that are the source of her life. She can say "I am not all things ... and I am enough." She becomes real, open, vulnerable, and receptive to a true spiritual awakening." -Maureen Murdock